Viva La France!


Happy Bastille Day!

It was on this day in 1789 that The Bastille itself was stormed, it having become a symbol of oppression where many folks lost their heads.  Let’s take a moment to recount just a few things the French have brought the world (and for now we’ll exclude french fries, french toast, and frenching).

  • French Wine—  France offers a wide variety of reds and whites, including some interesting sparkling reds.  Chateua Nuef de Pape, Cotes du Rhone, and the big ones like Pomerol are something they’ve given me.
  • Bread—  Nobody does a better croissant than France.  Napoleon even erected a fort in the Alps to keep the Italians from stealing all the good bread.  Italians need to learn how to make bread like the french.
  • The Statue of Liberty— a remarkable lady whose purpose seems forgotten in this unkind time.
  • The United States of America— Without Lafayette there would have been no U.S.A.
  • The Citroen— without this peace of junk, there is no way the big three could have lasted as long as they have.
  • The Crepe— need I say more.

So Happy Birthday, France!  Salut!